Thursday, November 28, 2019

37 Blog Post Ideas for New Freelance Writers

Coming up with blog post ideas can be hard when its your job! Freelance writers often have to come up with blog topics and pitch their ideas to their clients or editors. And to top it all off, if you have a blog or personal blog – which every freelance writer should – having fresh ideas can take a toll. Ive been freelance writing for a little over a year now and I have over 20+ clients, two blogs I write and manage and two other blogs where I guest contribute. So, you can say there are days when Im totally unable to come up with a blog post idea and Im scrambling. Does that happen to you? You land several clients in your niche and now you have to come up with three topic ideas in the same niche! While the best clients are the ones that give you free range to pitch ideas and come up with your own topics – for me – these clients can be more time consuming. So, to make sure Im working smarter and not harder, Ive thought of 37 blog post ideas for your clients or for your blog. Bookmark this post and refer back to it for more inspiration! 1. Use Title Generators I dont know about you, but if I read headlines in my niche, this is enough to get the creative juices flowing and help me come up with several topics very easily. The best   title generator that gives you oodles and oodles of ideas is the Tweak Your Biz Title Generator. Just enter your topic, let it know if its a noun or verb and hit submit. Heres my result for email marketing. You can write great blog posts just by look through these headlines: 10 Effective Ways to Get More Out of Your Email Marketing Email Marketing Doesnt Have to Be Hard – Read These 10 Tips 10 Creative Ways You Can Improve Your Email Marketing Tweak Your Biz isnt the only headline generator. Others include Portent and SEOPressor. 2. Look At Your Archive If youre struggling coming up with blog post ideas for your blog, go through your archive. See what you have already written. This can give you ideas about any holes or gaps you might have missed. For example, I know for this blog, I havent done a post on tools for freelance writers. Ive realized that a lot of new freelance writers arent aware of what tools to use for your business. This is something I could talk about on this blog. For your clients, if their blog has many posts, go through them and see if you can add a new perspective to older content. For me, since I guest post on FreelancerFAQs – a site I manage and own – I often look at old posts on this blog and use that to help me write a   post on FAQs. For example, I wrote 6 Foolproof Marketing Tips to Help You Become a Better Freelance Writer on this blog. For FreelancerFAQs, I ended up writing a post called, How Do I Promote Myself as a Freelance Writer? While both posts talk about marketing yourself, each one is unique and provides lots of different tips. 3. Look at Competitors Blogs Dont think no one does this! The best bloggers and freelance writers always grabs an idea or two from competitors in their niche or clients niche. For example, with this blog, since Im writing about freelance writing mostly, Ill look to The Write Life, FreelancerFAQs, Be a Freelance Blogger and even hit up personal freelance writers blogs like  Lauren Tharp for ideas. I remember looking at this title on The Write Life and thinking I can do a post on that subject.For one of my ghostwriting clients, I often have to look at other blogs in their niche to draft up some topics for the month. It doesnt take long, but its a lot easier to do this than to come up with completely original ideas, because if you already dont know, most blog post ideas have been recycled. 4. Read Posts in Your Niche Part of being a freelance writer is knowing the top trends going on in your niche. This helps you learn any new products, tools or applications that your client might like you reporting on their blog. Since Im in the digital marketing niche I often try to read a post or two from the following blogs: Neil Patel QuickSprout Twelveskip Smart Blogger Hubspot Unbounce Kissmetrics I dont do it all the time, but when I have some time Ill check out these sites and go through their blog and find some good reading material. 5. Take a New Angle on a Known Topic As I mentioned before, most everyone has written about all the topics in your niche. Its hard to find something no one has heard of. What you can do instead, is provide a new angle on a known topic or something thats been written about before from many people. For example, for the freelance writing niche, I know theres been talk about displaying your rates on your site. Most say that its better to display them since you wont get any low-ball offers and youll end up attracting your ideal client. So, why not flip that around and write a post on   Not Posting Your Rates Makes You More Money. Its a new angle on a known topic. 6. Start a New Blog! Wh-what? Why would starting a new blog give you more ideas? A new blog MEANS you NEED more ideas. Well I disagree. I dont know about you, but Im a creative person. Thats why I love doing images for my blogs and clients and thats why I am a freelance writer. I recently started a new blog called TwinsMommy. Its not a mommy blogging site where all I talk about are my twins. Its actually a work from home site for moms that want to go from mom to mompreneur. Its in a similar niche as freelance writing, but its much broader. And you know what? I have about twenty blog post ideas for that blog already. And, because of all that creative juice flowing, I have several ideas for this blog too! So, why not start a new blog? 7. Turn an Infographic Into a Blog Post Go to Pinterest and search for infographics. Heres one on branding. Use this to inspire you and write your own branding post to help freelance writers, entrepreneurs, small businesses etc.. 8. Turn a Podcast Into a Blog Post Just like you can use inforgraphics to help you come up with blog post ideas, you can also use podcasts. Little Zotz has done podcasts on freelance writing. Listen to some of those and use what youre learning from those podcasts to help you come up with a blog post idea for your blog. 9. Turn a Video Into a Blog Post Finally, check out some YouTube videos of bloggers in your niche. You can get loads of great blog post ideas for your blog and your clients blog. Freelancer Lizzie Davey has a YouTube channel for her Wanderful World blog. Her videos talk about freelancing in general. Looking to other freelancers YouTube channels or bloggers/marketers in your niche can help you generate tons of blog post ideas. 10. Do a Case Study People love learning from others. If youre successful at what you are doing, plenty of people want in on how you were able to achieve this. What better way to explain your process then with a case study on your blog or even your clients blog? Over on one of my clients blog, I wrote a post about my email marketing sales funnel. I pitched them my idea and they said go ahead. Over on my TwinsMommy blog Im doing a case study on growing that blog. Im going to do monthly reports on generating more traffic, readers and money from TwinsMommy. Thats a post every month, which leaves me with one less idea to come up for my monthly content schedule. 11. Use Entertainment for Blog Post Ideas Its important as freelance writers to do more than just write! Watch a movie, follow a TV show, read a book or listen to the news. By doing this you can draw from those types of entertainment and relate it to your industry. Course student Kate and shared on her blog how The Walking Dead relates to Freelance Writing.Want another example? Heres Francesca Nicasios post on her blog, Be a Freelance Writer, talking about how the show How I Met Your Mother can teach you about finding clients. Do you have a favorite TV show, book, sports team, movie or actress you can use to create a blog post in your niche? 12. Use BuzzSumo or Quora For Ideas To use these tools, you first need a keyword or general idea of what you want to write about. So, for example, if one of your clients is in the app business, then finding topics around that particular app or apps in general will help you out. Over at BuzzSumo, I typed in best apps for parents and got this result: From the results there are several topic ideas I can use for my clients. Quora works in a similar way. Instead of typing in a keyword, you ask a question. If you need information on productivity tools Quora can help you. 13. Do a Project Wrap-Up Post Your readers are interested in what you do. So why not treat them with a post on where youre writing or where you are published? Doing an end of the month wrap-up post on where youve been published is a great way to inspire other writers and to let prospects know you are in demand. On this blog Ive written two posts on where Ive been writing. Freelance writer Sharon Hurley Hall does a Blogging Portfolio on her blog. And Katharine Paljug has done monthly wrap-ups over on her freelance blog. 14. Post a Question on Facebook Facebook is a great place to generate lots of blog post ideas. I belong to several entrepreneur FB groups, small business FB groups and freelance writing groups. The other day I posted this question and got some great responses that helped me see what new writers are struggling with. 15. Use Real Life for Your Blog Post There are many ways to use your own life as a muse for your blog. If you have children, pets, wacky family members, or you are a part of a gym or class, you can use that for inspiration. For example, I was able to score a paid gig from a free guest post. I thought that was a cool thing and that other new writers would benefit from my story. So, I made a post on how I was able to turn a guest post into a paid gig. 16. Broaden Your Niche Your niche is too focused! How many posts on blogging or freelance writing can you write about? Theres going to be a time when youve written about all there is in a niche. What do you do? Well, you broaden your niche. For me, this blog is purely about helping new freelance writers. But, again, theres only so much I can write about that relates to brand new freelance writers. But, you know what? I can also write about blogging in general (like this post here) or writing techniques ( like my editing process post) or freelancing in general. While its ideal to stick to ONE niche, its more than okay to broaden it and include related topics. This will help make your blog live longer! 17. Condense a Series Did you do a series for your client or on your blog? Ive done a couple series on this blog and whats great is that I can take a series, condense it and create a new post. Thats what I did with my Freelance Writing Jobs for Newbies series. I created a new post, The Complete Guide to Getting Started Freelance Writing From Scratch. While the information in my guide is different than my series, its based on that series since the topic is about getting started freelance writing. So, if you have a series on your blog, take a look at it and see if you can condense it to make one big post. 18. Do a List Post Listicles are easy to do and people seem to love them. My 20 Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs as a Beginner has over 45,000 shares! Clients like list posts because its highly shareable. So, dont be afraid to write list posts for your blog or your clients, especially if their end goal is to generate more traffic and leads. 19. Expand on a Post An easy way to come up with a blog topic is to find an old blog post and expand on it. Maybe now you know more about that topic or you have a new angle to share. I find that when I look back at old posts, I can see lots of areas where I can expand and create new content. For example, I wrote a post about the importance of having a writer website. Recently I had a coaching call with a writer and made some suggestions to optimize her website. As a result I wrote about it and included a case study, which just expanded on my previous post about having a writer website. Both these posts talk about your writer website, but I was able to make a new angle (attracting clients) and offered a case study on how to improve your writer website. 20. Recruit a Guest Writer Sometimes youre just too busy to write a post for your blog. You dont want to neglect your blog and, in fact, you should be treating your blog like a client. But, at the same time, you dont want to just put out a junky post. So, what do you do? Well why not ask a fellow freelance writer to write a guest post for your blog? You are still providing lots of value to your readers, and it just gives you more time to work on your client work. Recently I had one of my course participants write a guest post talking about a pitching challenge I held for my students. It was a great post on how it changed her whole freelance writing career and proved to be highly valuable for new writers. If youre short on time, enlist a blogger friend and see if they wouldnt mind contributing to your blog. 21. Write a Sequel to a Post Having themes on your blog is a good thing. If every month you follow up on the same theme, you can build a following. Maybe theres an old post youd like to re-hash. Make a sequel to it and provide even more tips and better information. Its great to recycle old blog posts and make them even better than before. 22. Take a Subheading and Turn that Into a Post Its always fun to look through old posts and see if you can turn a subheading into a blog post. Flushing out an idea is a challenge, but for freelance writers, its something that is required. Good writers can expand on topics and condense pages of books. So why not practice this skill with your blog posts? Awhile back I wrote a post on Discover These 4 Freelance Writing Mistakes That Are Costing You Clients and Cash. One subheading in that post is, Youre Not Charging Enough. I was able to flush out that idea and create a post on what to do before raising your rates. 23. Do a Behind the Scenes Post People like to learn about you. They want to see whats happening in your business. Why not let them? Ive written a post on my freelance writing business as have other bloggers like Nathan Barry or Adam Connell. Update your readers on whats going on in your business. It inspires them and helps them grow their own business. 24. Write a Goals Post This is along the same lines of an update post. Create some yearly or monthly goals and share them with your readers. Theyll appreciate it and it will help deepen the connection with them. This is what Tom Ewer of Leaving Work Behind did back in 2015. 25. Reflect on The Past Its always fun to think about how you succeeded and what you learned. For me, as a new freelance writer I learned a lot in my first year. I thought my readers would benefit on how much I grew as a writer and since I enjoy reading about other freelance writers, my readers would too. For example, Karen Marston of Untamed Writing wrote a big post on all the phases of her blog. It gives the readers a glimpse of her brand and business growth. 26. Host a Giveaway or Contest A great way to increase your email list and readership is to host some sort of giveaway or prize. Of course anything you give away will come at your expense (unless you have connections), but its a small price to pay if you want to grow your blog. Sophie Lizard over at Be a Freelance Blogger regularly holds PitchFest, which is a content for freelance writers. If you win, you earn $100! Over on FreelancerFAQs we held a giveaway as a way to generate buzz around the new site. If youre stuck on a blog post, you can always hold a contest! 27. Run a Survey Then Post on Your Blog A great way to get some blog post ideas is to just ask your readers. It can tell you a lot about what their struggles are or what their aching to find out. Writer Bryan Collins of Become a Writer Today did a survey with his readers and posted the results. Its easy to create a survey. You can use SurveyMonkey or Google Forms. 28. Review a Product or Tool Sometimes the most useful blog post is a review of a product or tool. If you find that you are familiar with Skitch or Canva or Tailwind, why not write a post about it? Maybe you took a course and want to write about it or compare it to other courses. This is what the Lazy Millennial did. They wrote a review post on my freelance writing course. 29. Write a Comprehensive Guide People love guides. If you write the ultimate guide, the complete guide or the advanced guide, your readers or your clients readers will love it and learn a lot from it. Neil Patel is known for his comprehensive guides over on QuickSprout. Why not make a complete guide or series of guides for your blog or your client? Ive written complete guides for a few of my clients as they make great content for their blog. Ashlee Anderson from Work From Home Happiness has a section for guides on her blog. 30. Do a Round-Up Post People love round-up posts. They love contributing to it and people love reading and sharing it. Tor Refsland is known for his epic round-up posts. One of his round-up has 117 contributors! Thats freaking a lot. Dont worry if you dont know even 50 people in your niche. Ive done two round up posts with less than 20 people. 31. Feature Other Blogs Your blog doesnt have to be all about you! Share the love and feature other bloggers and blogs. One popular post I did was 10 Best Sites to Help You Become a Successful Freelance Writer. 32. Do a Spotlight Series A popular way to have a full content schedule is to do a spotlight series. This means you pick one person to highlight on your blog. Lauren Tharp does a spotlight series called, People I Know and even featured me! Lorraine Reguly has, in the past, done a F.I.T.S. (Freelancer in the Spotlight) Series featuring freelancers. And I did a Confessions of a Freelance Writer series on my blog and interviewed several freelance writers I look up to. 33. Do a Seasonal Post For me, I didnt do a seasonal post for the longest time. I felt that evergreen content (content that isnt contingent on a time frame) was the best sort of content you can provide on your blog. But, lo an behold, I was running out of blog post ideas and I wanted to spend time with my family. So, I bit the bullet and wrote some seasonal posts. 5 Year End Tasks Freelance Writers Must Do My 2015 Freelance Writing Goals – Success or Fail? 5 Ways Freelance Writers Can Motivate Themselves After the Holidays And you know what? Im happy that I did. I plan to do that again next holiday. 34. Write a Post On an Obscure or Unknown Fact Maybe you found a shortcut to some complex task or found an easy way to do a typical task. I recently created a post on 2 Obscure Ways Freelance Writers Can Create Samples. I had learned some cool ways brand new freelance writers could score some clips and I wanted to share them with my readers. This idea can also be adapted for your clients. If you work with a B2B company and found some neat hack with their product, let them know and pitch that idea for their blog. 35. Write a Mistakes Post People love to read about the worst things or the top mistakes of something. Normally, people dont want to fail, so posts like these are enticing for most people. Ive done my share of mistake-type posts on this blog! 36. Write a Why You Got Started Post Its fascinating to read how successful people first got started. How did they get started and why did the choose to go that way? You can pitch this idea to your clients if you know their brand inside and out and you can do this type of post on your blog. 37. Do a Series Instead of trying to come up with a months worth of blog topics, why not think of one topic and write several posts on it? For example, Sarah Titus on her blog is doing a 52 week series on how to build your credit score. Ive Got Your Blog and Clients Blog Covered Ha, what I mean is, I covered 37 blog post ideas for you and your clients. If you write one blog post a week, thats 9 months of content Ive suggested! Do you have some more blog post ideas I didnt mention? Please share them with me! Dont forget to grab your free schedule for your blog posts. Oh, and please Pin me!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Analog and Digital Recording essays

Analog and Digital Recording essays When you listen to a tape, do you know how the sound got there? When you purchase a CD or a record, do you know which will sound better and last longer? Do you know the components of Digital and Analog recording? In this essay I will define, explain and compare the similarities of Digital and Analog recording. Analog recording means, the wave form of the recorded signal resembles the wave form of the original. (Alten) Records were of the few amongst the beginning of Analog recording, however compared to Digital recording, Analog has a low frequency control due to the fact that the amplitude of the electrical signal produced was proportional to the side to side velocity of the stylus. (Walsh) Something in which people listen to frequently is Audiotape. Audiotape in Analog recording is defined as the conversion of electrical signals into magnetic signals in the recording stage and then it is encoded onto tape. When the tape is played back, magnetic signals are then reconverted back into electrical signals. (Alten) The composure of Audiotape recording is a stripe of plastic which has been coated with material that is easily magnetized. It has three heads, which are the Erasehead, Recordhead and the Playhead, which is also known as the E.R.P. (Alten) The signals that are applied to the Recordheads are equalized according to the speed and the tape type. (Digital Domain) The functions of the three different types of Heads are as follows. The Erasehead; neutralizes the polarities of the magnetic particles to remove sound from the tape. (Alten) This is why most people are careful of hitting that record button by accident, while playing valuable information. The Recordhead is the one we use when dubbing a song or our voices to tape. It carries two signals, the record bias current and the audio current. This signal ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Are human beings capable of acting from a concern for others that is Essay

Are human beings capable of acting from a concern for others that is not derived from a concern for their own welfare - Essay Example gates various questions for example, the best ways for individuals to live in society, the best ways to conduct businesses using the business ethics and the actions that are considered wrong or right in certain circumstances. Ethics strives to provide the answers for the complex questions regarding human morality by elaborating concepts like evil and good, wrong and right, vice and virtue, and crime and justice. Business ethics is a type of applied ethics that is used to scrutinise the ethical principles and ethical issues that come up in the business environment. Business ethics is defined as the study of the proper practices and policies in businesses in regards to the potential controversial issues for instance insider trading, corporate governance, discrimination, fiduciary responsibilities, and corporate social responsibility.3 The business ethics are developed in enterprises so that a particular level of trust is enhanced among the employees, consumers, and other market participants that promote the business and the general economy of the States. This essay is going to discuss if human beings are capable of acting from a concern for others that is not derived from a concern for their own welfare, from the angle of ethics and economics point of view. Meta ethics seeks to comprehend the nature of the ethical statements, properties, judgements and attitudes. Meta ethics addresses queries such as the goodness in individuals and how people can differentiate between the good and bad, therefore seeking to recognize the nature of diverse ethical evaluations and properties. Human beings are capable of acting from a concern for others that are not derived from a concern for their own welfare depending with how they were brought during their childhood and what they learnt from school, religious places the surrounding environment regarding what is right and wrong. Individuals whose goal is to improve and attract more customers to their businesses act with concern for

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Writing 115 Integrating quotations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writing 115 Integrating quotations - Essay Example King reaffirms his commitment to non-violence in the struggle for civil rights. 1. â€Å"Let us not wallow in the valley of despair,† urges Martin Luther King to the crowd gathered to hear his speech. King attempts to inspire African Americans reeling under the blows of police violence and racial discrimination. He confidently asserts that their aspirations for civil rights and justice will be met in the near future. 2. Martin Luther King declares that African Americans will not rest until they receive justice. With the words â€Å"Let us not wallow in the valley of despair,† King encourages those who have suffered the torment of racial discrimination not to lose hope. He assures his listeners that they will soon win their struggle for civil rights and liberty. 3. Martin Luther King reaches out to those who have suffered the cruel effects of racism. He inspires them with his words, â€Å"Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.† He assures them that he has faith in the dawn of true freedom for African Americans. Barbara Huttman’s essay, â€Å"A Crime of Compassion,† is a deeply moving account of euthanasia. Huttman’s writing is so graphic, that the reader can easily visualize Mac’s transformation from â€Å"a young, witty, macho cop† to â€Å"a 60 pound skeleton kept alive by liquid food we poured down a tube† (Huttman, 343). Huttman’s detailed account of Mac’s symptoms, and the various medical procedures he is subjected to, evoke a deep sympathy. The anguish felt by Mac is conveyed through his heart-rending cry, â€Å"Mercy . . . for Gods sake, please just let me go†Ã‚  (Huttman, 343). Huttman’s account is very effective, largely because it is a first-hand narrative. It is a criticism of the â€Å"death-denying  society† (Huttman, 343), which insists on using scientific techniques to prolong life, regardless of the quality of life or the wishes of the patient.  The writer’s credibility is further enhanc ed by her

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Homeostasis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Homeostasis - Research Paper Example Yet, their numbers are kept in check by a similar increase in their predators like, snakes and owls. Nature is excellent at creating such constant environments within its ecosystems (Naeem et al, 1999). We humans are a part of the ecosystems of nature, and within our bodies are present such balancing platforms for our health and well-being. Homeostasis is a vast subject, and examining all aspects of homeostasis is beyond the scope of this limited paper. The focus of this paper will be on demonstrating that homeostasis has an important role in maintaining human health through the examples of homeostasis in maintaining control of arterial blood pressure and blood sugar level. Homeostasis Givens and Reiss 2002, p.56, define homeostasis as â€Å"the maintenance of a constant internal environment within the body.† The definition of homeostasis suggests that there is a need for maintaining constancy in the internal environment of the human body. The internal environment of the human body is constantly under pressure of change, as a result of the physiological processes that are occurring within the human body. Homeostasis does not mean maintaining the human body in a state of equilibrium, but rather striving to maintain the internal environment within a normal range of parameters. ... , a condition called homeostatic imbalance.† This is particularly so with advance in age, due to the drop in efficiency of the organ systems of the body, and the increased potential for reduced stability within the internal environment of the human body (Marieb, 2009). Three elements are essential to the homeostasis function. The first are the sensory elements or receptors that sense changes in the internal environment. The second element is the integrator, which receives this sensory information, processes the information and the puts into place the appropriate response. The brain is the integrator. The final element is the effectors or those structures of the human body that put into effect the appropriate response, which most often are the glands of the endocrine system (Balaban & Bobick, 2008). Though the mechanisms of homeostasis involved in maintaining the balance of several of the internal functions of the body, there is a common thread in all these mechanisms. This comm on thread gives rise to the model of negative feedback in homeostasis. Norm ? rises above the norm? corrective mechanism? norm (Givens & Reiss, 2002). This model demonstrates that when change in the internal environment is sensed the homeostasis mechanism kicks off to restore the internal environment to the required norm (Givens & Reiss, 2002). The inability of the body to maintain the internal environment within the required norm can hinder the physiological processes that occur within the body or even change them, with the consequence of disease or death. This is what makes the ability to maintain homeostasis within the body vital to the maintenance of good health (White, 2005). Negative Feedback in the Control of Arterial Blood Pressure The negative feedback mechanism in homeostasis is used

Friday, November 15, 2019

Weight Loss For Women

Weight Loss For Women Does the very thought of losing weight makes you feel burdensome? If yes, then let me tell you that losing weight can actually be fun! If you are wondering about how to lose weight in a way that would really be fun and burden-less, then first think about the benefits of shedding those extra pounds of flesh you have in your body. You would get to wear all of your favorite dresses to flaunt that perfect body, you would soon become a head turner, you would have an increased level of energy, you would feel immensely happy about yourself, and about generally everything and most importantly keep all kinds of diseases at bay! The typical how to lose weight guides will make you follow strict boring ways to lose weight. But here we are going to give you some excellent ideas on how to lose weight, without much effort. First and foremost you should be willing to lose weight, and everything will then follow. The prime reason why you put on extra-weight is their eating habits. So if you are a foodie, and just cannot resist those tempting burgers, then let us be a little more experimental and eat a healthy fruit salad instead! Likewise, instead of convincing your mind that a ban has been put on all the junk and fattening food, think of the alternatives that you can eat which are healthy and nutritious. It will not only help you in reducing your weight but will also satisfy your taste buds. Another reason of extra weight is the lack of exercise. So if you are in love with your laziness; then here you would have to ditch your laziness a little, if you want a better partner who would not be able to take their hands off your body! There is absolutely no need to force yourself to do all that rigorous exercise; plenty of alternatives are available for the physical activity that you need which would help you in losing your weight. For instance, aerobics, yoga, swimming, dance! Wouldnt it be fun doing all this, having fun while losing weight! Women, especially, are very much concerned about the ways they look. Their elegance and their attractiveness is based on the way they look. How to lose weight for women is very important and women must focus on their figures to look gorgeous. Today, globally, women are cognizant about their health and diet. Earlier, people usually considered obesity as sign of health, but things have changed with the time and now, you might have understood and realized the magnitude of health and its diverse hazards. You strive hard to lose weight and try to find various ways of losing weight. However, weight loss depends on people and the places where they live in. There are various factors that affect ones weight- it could be related to losing weight or gaining weight. There are countless ways that you can shed your fat and look gorgeous and attract people all around you with your fragile and curvy features. Do not you want to look stunning in order to entice people around? Every woman wants to loo k beautiful, the only reason is they are naturally delicate and have tender features. They beauty flows from head to toe and people lock their eyes on women from every angle as women are very attractive, especially when they are slim and have good figure. As you know, there are numerous factors that are related to losing or gaining weight. However, recent studies have revealed that women lose weight faster than men due to their natural fat-shedding mechanism. However, it is believed that women need to involve in rigorous exercises in order to lose weight, but here, it is not the case. Since the chemicals inside female bodies act as reactors to certain dietary levels, it is not difficult to shed weight. Nevertheless, women should understand the basic concepts and when you understand then there is no hard work involved, but only some steps to follow. One of the problems that women have is time! They may not find time and maybe this is what restricts them from doing regular exercises. Women all over the world are health conscious but however, regions matter a lot. If you are in America, then you know what diet you have to follow and you do that according to your climate and region. Similarly, if you are in Europe or Asia or Africa, you f ollow health patterns according to your comfort levels. Women in America eat pizzas, burgers, diet beverages, etc. in their routine life. However, this may not be applicable to the women who live in Asia. Asian women may eat noodles, rice, etc. No matter what you eat, you must know the nutritional values as they are very essential. Losing calories is one of the crucial aspects and it is regarded as the front-fighter for women who have desires of losing weight. You might have heard that if you take more calories, then you deposit more fat in your body. But now, we have solution for you to lose fat as there are many ways to lose fat and to look slim and sexy. Make people go gaga over your looks and make others envy your sexy figure. There are various ways through which one can lose weight such as: 1. Eating healthy food 2. Reducing fat in your diet 3. Doing exercises regularly 4. Having sexual intercourse regularly 5. Building up stamina by doing combo-exercises 6. Spiritual exercises 7. Walking whenever and wherever possible 8. Stay Happy 9. By joining a gym or a fitness center 10. by consuming lots of water 1. Eating healthy food: What is healthy food? And how you are going to keep track of your diet? Well, it is very simple! Healthy food is nothing but normal diet. To shed that fat, you have to follow simple basic diets such as leafy vegetables, food without oil, fewer intakes of fish, cheese, butter and other fatty products, etc. It is said that if you eat leafy vegetables, then your metabolism remains perfect. You can start off with simple breakfast. Take a bowl of cereals as they have high-fibers. Mix a couple of bananas and milk. Remember not skip your breakfast as breakfast is very essential to stay fit and alert whole day. Good and healthy breakfast gives strong impact on your daily activities, so never skip it! 2. Reducing fat in your diet: Reduce that unwanted fat! How? When you intake food, read the nutritional values or just have some knowledge about what you are eating. Avoid regular consumption meat; do not eat fish regularly (once in a while, it is okay, but not every time). Avoid snacks. Munching some or the other thing may result in the huge deposition of fat and that may lead to various diseases including heart related, cancer, less concentration, and also may lead to unstable mental balance and equilibrium. However, you can grab a fresh fruit plate and finish it off and this does not have presence of fat. It is estimated that a piece of any fruit, any time, during the day reduces blood pressure and keep the blood levels minimal. This also helps in getting less anger and maintaining your mental balance which is very essential for you to lose weight. All fruits have very few calories and consumption of fruit at least 30 minutes before breakfast or any meal will prove useful. So, kic k that snack off and gulp a piece of fruit! 3. Doing exercises regularly: Shake it baby and shake that fat off your belly by doing regular exercises. It is very easy to work out daily by taking some time out from your routine. Daily exercises include walking, jogging, running, skipping, jumping, swimming, cycling, etc. The best way to follow regular exercise is: a) Wake up and walk around for at least two minutes before going to washroom b) Stretch a bit and touch your toes after you finish brushing your teeth c) While eating, chew at least 40 times and this is one of the best exercises for your jaw. Also, it helps in churning food well and helps in good digestion d) Play with your kids and run while playing e) Laugh a lot! When you laugh, your stomach muscles contract with your neck muscles, including your spine. This helps in keeping your heart race in rhythm and as you know, laughter is the best medicine! f) Pick your kids up in your arms and roam around g) Park your car and walk till your destination h) Avoid elevators and climb stairs, no matter how many floors they are. Climbing stairs help in building your thigh muscles and your hips get in shape when you climb regularly. It is better to count while you climb every time and also, climb down i) Lets dance! Turn on your favorite track and dance for at least 15 minutes. Dancing burns calories and when you perspire, sit down, relax and count till 50 and then backwards. j) Angry? Kick it off by kicking the kit. When you are angry, do not regret later as this is one of the best ways to release your frustration, as well as your unwanted fat. When you get angry, put on the gloves and start hitting the boxing-kit till you perspire and think you are getting exhausted. When you do that, you burn a lot of calories and also, by that time, you will realize that you have already kicked that anger off your hot head and then you will feel cool and relaxed. What else do you need? You are getting multiples things at the same time- your anger is vanishing from your head, you are reducing your fat, you are losing calories, and also, you are training yourself for self defense. Sounds cool, does not it? 4. Having sexual intercourse regularly: Men get aroused easily and women take a lot of time in getting sexually charged. Recent studies depict that sexual intercourse burns many calories and the act itself is a fat burning process. When you are involved in sexual intercourse, you tend to lose more fat. It is said that 1 French kiss helps in losing many calories. So while having sex, make sure you lips are locked. Also, an orgasm can make your heart healthy and regular sex may reduce mortality. Indulge in sexual act at least 3 times a week. 5. Building up stamina by doing combo-exercises: What are combo-exercises? When you combine two things, then it results in combination. Similarly, combo-exercises are the combination of exercises such as dance and exercise, Thai boxing, Cardio, etc. When you dance and exercise, you build stamina and stamina helps in performing more, which results in burning of fat. 6. Spiritual Exercises: These exercises involve meditations. Close your eyes every day and meditate at least for 20 minutes, by keeping your mind blank. When you are involved in spiritual stuff, you will find the difference soon. Meditation not only gives impact on your physique but also on your mind and memory. When you do meditation, you will improve your memory and things may turn in a positive way. 7. Walking whenever and wherever possible: Walking is one of the important ways to lose fat. Walk fast every day or walk slow does not matter but walking itself matters. When you walk your muscles get strong. 8. Stay Happy: Stay happy by being positive. Tensions always lead to disturbed life. Avoid that and keep yourself happy if you want to lose weight. 9. By joining a gym or a fitness center: Follow instructors ways and shed off that fat 10. By consuming lots of water: Consumption of water may reduce weight as the liquid will flow deep inside your body and make your joints and muscles flexible which may result in good work out.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Neo is God. :: essays research papers

ATLANTIC CITY - Atlantic City High School students Catrise Lackland and her partner Kevin Barksdale had a difficult task ahead. Their mission: teach free enterprise principles to a group of second-graders. "It's hard trying to get them to understand," Lackland said. "But everybody deserves a chance." Lackland and Barksdale are members of Atlantic City High School's new award-winning chapter of DECA - Distributive Education Clubs of America - a nationwide association of hospitality management and marketing students. A partnership between the Borgata and the Board of Education funds the program. Six of the 12 members of the local chapter are headed to DECA's national competition April 19-23 in Salt Lake City, Utah, where Lackland and Barksdale will present their work and other team members will receive leadership training. "For a first-year chapter to have done this well is exceptional," said teacher Pam Wilson, who works with the students. Local members already have won nine awards on the regional level. Lackland said she and Barksdale accomplished their goal through role-playing sessions at the Chelsea Heights School. The second-graders dressed up like McDonald's employees and had to deal with customer service and other issues. Both the children and the Chelsea Heights School staff loved it. "If you look at the state standards, one major strand is career development. A lot of times our young people come out of elementary school without any idea of what they want to do or even what career opportunities are available to them at the local, national and international levels," said Chelsea Heights Principal Diane Saunders. "These type of partnerships allow our students to think in that direction and prepare themselves." Atlantic City High School Principal LaGreta Brown also was pleased. "I attribute the success to the students and their teacher," Brown said. "I'm proud of them. It's absolutely wonderful." DECA falls under the high school's Academy of Hospitality and Marketing Careers, a component of the Atlantic City Jobs and Opportunities Program. The parent program was designed to provide employment for 2,000 unemployed and underemployed local residents through a commitment made to the city by Boyd Gaming and MGM Mirage, partners in the Borgata project. The Borgata is slated to open in 2003. The Borgata program includes five components: life and employability skills training, occupational skills training, professional development, building and construction trades apprentice programs and a youth program. "While the first four components address the employment needs of adults, we felt that it was important to focus on youth development activities to contribute to a continuous, ongoing system of workforce development in Atlantic City," said Eric Reynolds, who designed the Jobs and Opportunities program.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

“Crossing The Swamp” by Mary Oliver Essay

The poem, Crossing the Swamp is a well organized work of literature, which uses many techniques to develop the relationship between the speaker and the swamp. Some of these techniques include diction, narrative structure, repetition, imagery, personification, tonal shift, as well as many interesting sound devices. Before the scrutinizing search for the figurative language begins, the first thing that is noticeable is the narrative structure. The speaker provides us with the image of the characters footsteps itself through the structure of the poem, which indicates the struggle that he is going through by the gaps and indents throughout. Because of the thoughtful syntax of the poem, we cannot refer the body as stanzas or paragraphs; thus, the poem itself is one broken stanza which includes the characters adventurous journey and appalled misery. At the beginning of the poem, (line 5), the cacophonic sounds like branching, burred, belching bogs are used to describe the ugly sounds of the swamp as the character takes a step forward. The repetition of Here is also very unique because it is emphasizing the location of where the character is being tortured by having to walk into this ruthless swamp. The sound devices include consonance and rhythm with the repetition of the end sounds of pathless, seamless, and peerless. The foothold, fingerhold, mindhold can be consonance as well as alliteration, as foothold and fingerhold both begin with the same sound. Alliteration also presents itself in lines 18 and 19 with such slick and hipholes, hummocks. There is another cacophonic sound in lines 21 and 22 as the speaker describes the image of the swamp with hatred, calling it a black, slack earthsoup. This diction will also be considered as imagery as it compares the swamp with earthsoup. The tonal shift in the poem begins on line 22, with the sentence I feel not wet so much as painted and glittered From this point on, the speaker doesnt sound as frustrated and desperate as he was in the beginning of the poem. He finally feels hopeful and thankful to have another chance to live. The narrator also provides us with the description of the speaker, a poor dry  stick, which tells the reader that the character is an old, fragile being, trying to cross this swamp that he gets angry at in the beginning but now is finally appreciative. In conclusion, the relationship between the speaker and the swamp is of struggle. It seems like they both are fighting with each other to belittle the other and consume victory, but finally they give in to each others needs. The swamp lets the old man go, and he thanks the swamp heartily. The connection between them is of stubbornness and struggle, as well as understanding at the end.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Xenia

The concept of Xenia in Homer’s Odyssey The concept of â€Å"xenia†, described in Homer’s Odyssey as the guest-host relationship played a dominant part in ancient Greece. According to what they believed, the guest-host relationship was based on the idea that courtesy would be reciprocal from host and guest. The different ways that Telemachos and Odysseus are treated throughout their journeys displays the positive and negative types of xenia. The Odyssey begins 20 years after Odysseus has left Ithaca. Ten of those years he spent fighting in the Trojan War. The remaining years he attempts to go back home to Ithaca, but his journey becomes quite difficult since Poseidon becomes Odysseus persecutor, just as Athene is firmly established as his protector. In one of his numerous journeys Odysseus meets the Phaiakians who receive him with warm hospitality without having to ask for his name first. â€Å"This is not the better way, nor is it fitting that the stranger should sit on the ground beside the hearth, in the ashes†¦But come, raise the stranger up and seat him on a silver studded chair and tell your heralds to mix in more wine for us†¦And let the house keeper from her stores give the stranger a supper.† (Book IV P.115 Lines 159-166) From this we can assume that the Phaiakians didn’t know that they were interacting with Odysseus the hero of the Trojan War yet treated him as welcoming as possible like they would do with anyone else. Shortly before the return of Odysseus, Telemachos visits the mainland in search of news of his father. From Menelaos he received generosity. He didn’t turn Telemachos away even though he was visiting the moment they were celebrating the wedding of one of his children. On the other hand he replied by stating that it would be nonsense because they themselves have enjoy the hospitality of others. He orders to have them brought in, bathe and fed. â€Å"Eteoneus, son of Boethoos, you... Free Essays on Xenia Free Essays on Xenia The concept of Xenia in Homer’s Odyssey The concept of â€Å"xenia†, described in Homer’s Odyssey as the guest-host relationship played a dominant part in ancient Greece. According to what they believed, the guest-host relationship was based on the idea that courtesy would be reciprocal from host and guest. The different ways that Telemachos and Odysseus are treated throughout their journeys displays the positive and negative types of xenia. The Odyssey begins 20 years after Odysseus has left Ithaca. Ten of those years he spent fighting in the Trojan War. The remaining years he attempts to go back home to Ithaca, but his journey becomes quite difficult since Poseidon becomes Odysseus persecutor, just as Athene is firmly established as his protector. In one of his numerous journeys Odysseus meets the Phaiakians who receive him with warm hospitality without having to ask for his name first. â€Å"This is not the better way, nor is it fitting that the stranger should sit on the ground beside the hearth, in the ashes†¦But come, raise the stranger up and seat him on a silver studded chair and tell your heralds to mix in more wine for us†¦And let the house keeper from her stores give the stranger a supper.† (Book IV P.115 Lines 159-166) From this we can assume that the Phaiakians didn’t know that they were interacting with Odysseus the hero of the Trojan War yet treated him as welcoming as possible like they would do with anyone else. Shortly before the return of Odysseus, Telemachos visits the mainland in search of news of his father. From Menelaos he received generosity. He didn’t turn Telemachos away even though he was visiting the moment they were celebrating the wedding of one of his children. On the other hand he replied by stating that it would be nonsense because they themselves have enjoy the hospitality of others. He orders to have them brought in, bathe and fed. â€Å"Eteoneus, son of Boethoos, you...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Media Popular Culture in East and South East Asia Kyoung

Media Popular Culture in East and South East Asia Kyoung Kyoung-hwa, Yonnie. â€Å"The landscape of keitai shà ´setsu: Mobile phones as a literary medium among Japanese youth, Continuum.† Journal of Media Cultural Studies, 26.3 (2012): 475-485.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Media Popular Culture in East and South East Asia: Kyoung-hwa specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The author notes that the use of mobile phones in sending message is in the increase in the current Japanese society. Apart from the use of mobile phones and the media in relaying information, some other channels are used including literary communication and oral conversation. The author underscores the fact that the use of mobile phones in transmitting messages in the Japanese society is in the increase. In order to understand the persistent use of phones as a literary medium in Japan, the author compared the new trend with the influence of the popular novel in society. He uses the term keitai shoˆsetsu, which means mobile novel. The trend is gaining much popularity among young Japanese women (Kyoung-hwa 477). The author understands the behavior of women regarding the use of mobile novels from a cultural perspective meaning that it is a culture of Japanese women to associate themselves with the mobile novels. The author describes the views of various readers and writers regarding the culture of Japanese women, which is related to mobile novel. The author utilizes some ethnographic reports and other materials to understand mobile novel phenomenon in detail. For instance, a social discourse is one of the additional factors that the author uses in comprehending the behavior of young Japanese women regarding mobile novel trend. Some factors, such as the factors related to the industry, are some of the features that influence the behavior of Japanese women in relation to mobile novel phenomenon. The mobile media influences the behavior of individuals in society in a number of ways. For instance, it influences the lifestyles of individuals and their socialization processes. In the long-run, an individual adopts a different culture, which grows with time into something complex. The culture is adopted by a number of individuals in society to an extent of becoming a normal way of life. In other words, the author suggests that the mobile technology has been able to translate and modify the culture of Japanese youngsters.Advertising Looking for critical writing on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The author is able to support his arguments through the use of ethnographic reports. The author came up with three major questions that assisted him in confirming the hypothesis. In the first question, his main concern was establishing the relationship between keitai and the fictitious practice referred to as ‘doing keitai shoˆsetsu. The second question aimed at capturing th e manner in which keitai shoˆsetsu consumers essentially integrate keitai into their customary activities such as texting, reading, and sharing remarks. The third question was very important because it sought to find out the meaning that people attach to keitai shoˆsetsu. Through the questions, the author collected enough information that helped him in concluding that a strong relationship between mobile novel and the culture of young Japanese women exists. The author is very consistent meaning that he does not contradict any of his arguments. The arguments are valid because they are supported by critical sources and evidence. It is noted that the author fails to mention some of the effects of mobile phones on the socialization and behavior of users. Phones have certain effects, which are social in nature meaning that they should be used with care. The use of the phone is addictive because an individual is influenced negatively to suspend the use of other channels of communi cation. Even though he notes that phone users are forced to spend heavily on phone accessories, he does not mention the fact that operating the phone is expensive for youngster. Moreover, the concentration of the phone user is always distracted because he or she does not have time to concentrate on other things. The article contributes to the existing body of knowledge that is related to mobile phones in a number of ways. First, it states clearly that mobile phone usage leads to the development of a certain culture among the users. The users develop the culture and they pass it to other members of society through the process of socialization. This is actually the effect of most technologies because they change the world view of the user. However, the article does not address the issue of resistance because no technology will ever penetrate society without meeting some resistance. Mobile phone technology has always been viewed with contempt because it brings about other social crimes . In other words, the author does not talk about the negative effects of mobile phones among the young Japanese females.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Media Popular Culture in East and South East Asia: Kyoung-hwa specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hjorth, Larissa, and Kay, Gu. â€Å"The place of emplaced visualities: A case study of Smartphone visuality and location-based social media in Shanghai, China, Continuum.† Journal of Media Cultural Studies, 26(5) (2012): 699-713. The authors observe that the modern society is witnessing various forms of visual technologies, especially with the growth of camera phones. The new phones have various features such as micro blogging and the location-based services, which have facilitated image distribution among individuals. Through location-based services such as Facebook, people are able to generate contexts for the overlay between place, ambient images, an d striking localities. The new technology is reshaping the way people communicate. There are flourishing dialectic visual images, which replicate the notion of place, social, and uniqueness practices. The authors note further that sharing, storing, and saving of information play a critical role in information technology. The Smartphone enables the new forms of information distribution such as hipstamatic (Hjorth and Kay, 700). An advanced Smartphone, such as android-based, has influenced the lives of many youths in different ways. The emergence of new technology, such as micro blogging, has enabled users to apply the technology successfully with the Smartphone. It is claimed that the Chinese public has been able to voice its views and opinions through the new technology. The idea of media participation is now perceived differently since the emergence of the new technology. This shows that the society has grown in terms of technology. The authors suggest that the Chinese culture is v ery different, but it is consistent with the new technology. In other societies, such as those of the west, lurking is considered non-participation. However, it is a valid participation technique in the Chinese culture. The arguments of the authors are based on the idea that modern technology has transformed the way people relay information. The authors support their arguments by claiming that the social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, offer people with specific skills that can easily affect the way in which people pass information in organizations and social life. For instance, Facebook offers a micro-blogging UX. This facilitates the redistribution of information, asking of questions and finding knowledge. Information distribution does not follow any standardized structure in the cloud computing technology. Micro-blogging is a form of technology used in cloud computing, which utilizes the services of CRM. Through CRM technology, an individual or a company can pass updates to other individuals regarding unusual events and actions. The following chart shows cloud computing layers.Advertising Looking for critical writing on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The findings of the two authors fail appreciate the fact that cloud computer exploit customers. This is because customers boost the sales of the company yet they are not paid. For instance, each person is expected to create his Facebook, Twitter, and Google accounts without the help of the company. This amounts to exploitation because it would be expected that the company open an account for each customer. Companies have free access to labor because customers are employees who are not paid. However, it is surprising to note that customers are always inconvenienced because they lack privacy. When opening a Facebook account, a customer is supposed to disclose pertinent information, such as age, sex, occupation, and academic qualifications. The article contributes to the existing body of knowledge since it states that cloud technology is different because it uses information from computers as a collective virtual computer. This means that all applications have the capacity of running i ndependently, without relying on servers or server configurations. In other words, cloud technology allows information to float around freely. This implies that the hardware is not important when applying the cloud technology. Many youths are able to communicate freely without necessarily having to acquire the hardware. This has strengthened the way people communicate in society. Hjorth, Larissa, and Kay, Gu. â€Å"The place of emplaced visualities: A case study of Smartphone visuality and location-based social media in Shanghai, China, Continuum.† Journal of Media Cultural Studies, 26(5) (2012): 699-713. Kyoung-hwa, Yonnie. â€Å"The landscape of keitai shà ´setsu: Mobile phones as a literary medium among Japanese youth, Continuum.† Journal of Media Cultural Studies, 26.3 (2012): 475-485.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Summary Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summary Report - Essay Example Although we designed this plan carefully, it is clear that, overall, the entire change simulation plan provided poor results, way below our expectation. A number of change tactics helped us in the implementation process. First, our efforts to conduct a research from the stakeholder and the work groups helped a lot in problem identification. It also gave the workers the motivation to work towards achieving the designed changes. The workers remained loyal during the implementations stage. Secondly, the ability to mobilize the employees by designing an urgency plan was crucial as it attracted their attention of the entire organization to shift their focus on the change plan and reduce their reluctance to change. Since the teams were ready for change, it became easy to work along with them. Monitoring was crucial during this process, as it helped to ensure that the change plan was in due course, hence assisting us to complete the implementation process within the critical time. One of the tactics that lead limited the results of our action plan is the design of vision and the strategy. The vision and strategy developed were not clear, which made it complex to communicate the vision to not only the managers but also the employees. Understanding the company vision and strategy is very important as this gives the organization a direction that they should follow while implementing changes. Even after repetitive meetings, the managers and the work teams failed to understand the vision of the stage process and this made it quite difficult to implement this change. In this change simulation plan, we applied the Kotter’s concepts of a smooth change in organization setting. The idea of Kotter that it is crucial to create a sense of urgency worked quite well for this simulation. In creating the sense of urgency, we informed the employees of the changes and helped

Friday, November 1, 2019

Representation of Women in Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Representation of Women in Media - Essay Example This follows a keen observation of how women and men are portrayed in most movies and music videos. The part that women have been known to play in such movies often portrays them as sexual objects. There has been a widespread debate concerning the kinds of costumes that both men and women play, in most videos and erotic films, their male counterparts, who have been cited as merely taking advantage of those women, usually use them as baits for sexual activities. In most of the music videos and erotic films, women play a very passive role; their male counterparts often dictate them. Women are usually presented as weak characters and have to play their part in order to please men (Akinfeleye & Amobi 2011, p. 5-6). When people watch these movies, it has been discovered that they are largely influenced by the experiences they saw, something that has led to increased cases of sexual violence and other forms of aggression to women by male people. For this films and music videos to make sense to people who make them, women have to be dressed in a manner that is scanty and very revealing. On the other hand, the male has always been seen as being formal and well dressed, something that has raised an issue about the aspect of such passivity and submission. Most of the feminist discussions have criticized this kind of portrayal of women as a sex object rather than important and valuable members of the society just like men. Over time, the role of the mass media as a reliable and essential agent of socialization has attracted several criticisms from different segments of our contemporary society (Baran, & Davis 2012, p. 100). The images that are usually aired in mass media about music videos, erotic films and other kinds of programs have been said to change people’s perceptions about social realities, this is according to the observations from social psychologists. According to these propositions, these images are believed to play an essential role towards stimulating certain kinds of behaviors that are highly undesirable (Marnie et al. 2005, p. 67).